Save these dates in your running calendar!


It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the Poland Business Run 2022, which will once again will be held to help people with phisical disabilities and after mastectomy.

The run will take place on September 4th (Sunday). Registration for 2022 edition will last from 10th to 31st of May.

We analyzed the moods of the Participants from the previous edition and this year we offer two formulas of a running event, giving companies a choice!

1. Stationary competition in Krakow

People who missed sports events and want to feel the emotions of running competition can take part in stationary event in Krakow. We have prepared places for 2,000 relay teams (10,000 runners). The order of applications decides when signing up.

2. Virtual Poland Business Run - run and help anywhere in the world

Runners who have discovered during the last two editions of our relay that they love to run and walk their own paths can choose to run without pressure and in a smaller group. You are encouraged to participate in the virtual formula. The independently chosen route means that you can run with us wherever you are on September 4th.

No matter which formula you choose! Each of them helps with equal power!

Do you want to know who we're doing it for? On our website you will find stories of the first beneficiaries that will surely motivate you to run and help!

All the details are available on our website.

Follow our social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN and join the FB event.


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