
How to become a beneficiary?

Do you need prosthesis, wheelchair or rehabilitation? Apply for a support from Poland Business Run Foundation.

Every year Poland Business Run Foundation organizes charity run and donate funds to support people with phisical disabilities including those with limb amputation and after mastectomy. Foundation help people from all over Poland, of all ages.

We help over 100 people annualy. Maybe this year charity business relay race run for you?

Who can become a beneficiary of the Poland Business Run Foundation?

Are you a person with motor disability or after mastectomy?

Do you need help with:

  • subsidies for the purchase of prostheses or individual components,
  • rehabilitation/rehabilitation stays for people with mobility impairments or after mastectomy
  • financial support for the purchase of orthopaedic and rehabilitation equipment,
  • psychological assistance
  • specialist medical consultations;
  • purchase of specialist sports equipment?

To receive assistance from us, you must have a disability certificate (in the case of persons after mastectomy, medical documentation will be sufficient).

How to apply for support?

1) Fill out the application for support.

2) Complete and enclose the following attachments with your application:

  • a copy of your disability certificate (not applicable to mastectomy patients),
  • copy of medical documentation proving health condition,
  • cost estimate or proforma invoice for orthopedic, rehabilitation equipment, prosthesis or rehabilitation stay, etc,
  • specification of prosthesis or its elements (foundation's sample),
  • decision of the National Health Fund, MOPS/PCPR, PFRON to grant or refuse to grant funding for the requested item,
  • photocopy/scan of power of attorney in case of legal guardian of an adult.

3) Post it to the address of our Foundation:

Fundacja Poland Business Run
ul. Siemiradzkiego 17/2
31-137 Kraków

4) Wait for contact from our side. According to the regulations, the Foundation is not obliged to contact all persons. The Foundation contacts in case of a positive assessment of the application or in order to learn more about the applicant's situation.

ATTENTION: We are not a public institution and submitting documents to our Foundation is not equivalent to receiving a grant. Also, applying for a given amount does not guarantee that you will receive exactly that amount. All submitted documents will be reviewed by an application assessment committee appointed by the Board of Directors, with priority given to providing assistance to those most in need.

Financial support granted by the Foundation for the purchase of prostheses and other orthopaedic and rehabilitation equipment is granted maximum once every 3 years (this does not apply to rehabilitation, which can be granted once a year). The Foundation Board may decide to grant additional support before this period expires in exceptional situations (e.g. re-amputation).

Rules of cooperation

1) The first step after being awarded a grant is to sign an agreement in which we will specify the amount, type of support and the beneficiary's obligations.

2) The support is granted on the principle of payment of services to the beneficiary on the basis of a VAT invoice, it is not a donation to the beneficiary.

3) The beneficiary undertakes to cooperate with the Foundation in the field of promotion: permission to use their image in the media, making photos available for the website, participation in events organized by the Foundation: the Run, press conferences, beneficiary's day. These are necessary conditions to obtain support.

Contact to the Support Department of the Poland Business Run Foundation

Klaudia Kaniewska
tel. 504 458 979
e-mail: [email protected]



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