
For companies

Dear company representatives!

Thank you for your interest in our run and your willingness to help people with disabilities and after mastectomy!

Whether your company wants to take part in the race in Krakow or compete virtually, here you will find links to the most important content that can be useful for registration, recruiting participants in your company, informing about the run and its beneficiaries.

Check registration information


Useful links

Online meetings

We have scheduled a series of online meetings in Microsoft Teams regarding company participation in the Poland Business Run 2025. Mark the following dates in your calendar. Mmore information coming soon.

The meetings will be held in Polish. Later they will be made available with subtitles in English. 

Downloadable graphics

Below you will find downloadable graphic materials. We warmly encourage you to communicate your participation in the Poland Business Run!

If you need additional information or graphics, we will be happy to prepare them for you. Please contact us at [email protected] and tell us about the materials you need.


Strategic Sponsor


Logistics Partner

Media Partners


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