
Piotr Andysz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 62-year-old man from Łódź, who for many years struggled with venous thrombosis and in 2011 had his leg amputated at thigh level. Before the disease, he led a very active lifestyle, for 13 years he was a competitive tennis player. It was therefore difficult for him to come to terms with his new situation. In 2014 he received his first prosthesis, which however wore out years later, so he needs a new, functioning leg. The prosthesis is necessary so that he can still work professionally (he is an administrative employee of one of the companies in Łódź). It will also help him realise his greatest dream of standing on a court again and playing with his beloved granddaughter.

Dominika Nowak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 37-year-old woman from Łódź who fulfils her daily role as mum to a 17-year-old daughter. In 2020 she was diagnosed with Buerger's disease, as a result of which she had her leg amputated at thigh height. After the operation, she was not able to perform the simplest tasks by herself or even to get to her flat located on the fourth floor of a tenement house. Before the disease she was an energetic and professionally active woman who loved to travel. Her dream was to open a multi-branch shop, but the costs of treatment consumed all her savings. In 2021. Dominika received a rehabilitation holiday from us. Now we will help her to subsidise an expensive prosthesis so that she can return to her dream of having her own shop and take the longed-for walks.

Zdzisław Muszański

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 52-year-old man from the Lublin voivodeship who lost his leg 20 years ago as a result of an unfortunate traffic accident. He is very involved in the affairs of the local community, acting as a representative for people with disabilities. In addition, he organises fairs, markets, exhibitions and harvest festivals. He has received several honorary titles and medals for his pro-social attitude and activities. Up to now, all the years after his amputation, he has been moving around on crutches. Now, because of the overloading pains in his other leg and in his spine, he has had to think about buying a prosthesis. He believes that the prosthesis will allow him to become more active and to take up gardening, fishing and making furniture from steel and wood, which he loves. In order to enable him to pursue his passions, we will subsidise his prosthetic leg and a rehabilitation stay with gait training to make the support as comprehensive as possible.

Sławomir Szczupacki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 41-year-old man from the Lesser Poland voivodeship, father and husband. At the age of 9 he lost his leg at thigh level in a traffic accident. He managed to adapt quickly to the new situation and participate in games with his peers, e.g. playing football on crutches. As an adult, his dream was to help other amputees, so for several years he has been involved in rehabilitation, learning to gait and supporting amputees in returning to independence. In his free time he does amateur sports activities of various kinds, he took part, among others, in the previous editions of the Poland Business Run. To be able to continue being an active father and engage in helping others, he needed support to purchase a new prosthetic leg. He will receive it thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run 2022.

Marcin Rudziński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 65-year-old man from the Mazowieckie voivodeship who in July 2021 had his leg amputated above the knee as a result of complications with his diabetic foot. His dream is to return to professional life and continue his artistic activity in the form of participation in concerts, theatre performances and films. Thanks to the support of the Poland Business Run Foundation, he took part in a specialist rehabilitation camp to learn how to walk on a prosthesis.

Danuta Klita

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 66-year-old woman from Lesser Poland after having her leg amputated at thigh level due to diabetic foot. Disability has been with her for years, as she has been struggling with degeneration of the spine and knee and hip joints since 2002. Currently she has a prosthesis, but she had to learn to walk in it. The support from the Poland Business Run Foundation has enabled her to participate in a specialist rehabilitation camp and learn how to walk on a prosthesis. Danuta believes that thanks to this she will be able to fulfil her dreams of functioning normally at home and going for a walk independently.

Jerzy Łabęcki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

Senior citizen of Krakow, former professional alpinist who has climbed many mountain trails in the Alps, Dolomites, Caucasus, Andes, Karakorum and Himalayas. In his youth, he was a co-founder of the "Kaskaders" climbing group. Due to atherosclerosis, his left leg was amputated above the knee in February 2019. Thanks to a donation and the help of many people, he has a modern prosthesis. To be able to return to his beloved mountains, he needed further rehabilitation combined with learning to walk on a prosthesis. In previous years, he received it from us. Thanks to the exercises, Mr Jerzy's physical fitness is steadily improving. Currently, however, there is a need to replace the prosthesis funnel. The beneficiary's dream is to return to the mountains and climb the peak with the prosthesis.

Ryszard Dawid

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 77-year-old man from Tyniec Mały near Wroclaw after a leg amputation at thigh level, which he underwent in 2020. At the moment it is a problem for him to move around in a prosthesis. A rehabilitation course with gait training is supposed to help him function and move around and make everyday life easier.

Agata Wiklik-Szczeblewska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 43-year-old from Siechnice, near Wroclaw, has suffered from two different cancers and has undergone oncological treatment twice. As a result of breast cancer, in 2020 she underwent a radical mastectomy and the removal of 20 lymph nodes, as a result of which she suffers from pain and a limited range of movement of her right arm. Thanks to the runners, she will receive a rehabilitation camp and psychological support to improve her daily comfort by eliminating pain in her shoulder, shoulder blade and, as a result, better sleeping nights. She wants to have the strength and energy to support people in a similar situation - she runs the fanpage Kolorowe Raki and the portal She also wants to be an active mother of her two sons.

Lech Stoltman

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 37-year-old man from Chojnice who has been in a wheelchair for 20 years as a result of a motorbike accident. Strength sports are his passion. For 10 years he has been successfully training shot put. He won 2 Paralympic bronze medals in this field in Tokyo and in Rio de Janeiro. For many years he has been an active competitor of the START sports club in Gorzów and a member of the National Team. The new wheelchair will help him further fulfil his sporting dreams, including the most important one - starting at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

Paweł Zoszak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 26-year-old from Sanok suffered a traffic accident in 2018 which resulted in his leg being amputated at thigh level. In 2019, he joined the Paravolley Sillesia Katowice Sports Club and started to regularly train sitting volleyball. He participated in the Polish Championships in Szczecin, Elbląg and Wrocław. Unfortunately, due to a long distance from his place of residence to Katowice (about 300 km) he had to stop practising sport. Paweł focused on his professional work - he works for one of the companies producing active wheelchairs. The new prosthesis will enable him to return to physical activity. His dream is to go for walks in the forest with his son, whom he would like to teach love and respect for nature and animals.

Barbara Ptasznik

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 62-year-old woman from the Lesser Poland voivodeship who underwent a leg amputation in June 2021. At the end of 2021, she received a specialist rehabilitation camp to prepare her for a prosthesis. Mrs Barbara would like to return to normal daily functioning. Thanks to the prosthesis she will be able to perform household chores independently, overcome stairs and other obstacles while walking and shopping.

Bożena Dębska-Szpak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 45-year-old woman from Faściszowa in the Lesser Poland voivodeship. A happily married woman and mother of 3 children: 2 daughters aged 16 and 12 and a 5-year-old son. For 23 years she has worked as an accountant. She is also a member of SPON BEZ BARIER in Zakliczyn. Since 2020, she has been struggling with cancer. She has had one year of radical oncological treatment. She is currently undergoing follow-up treatment and medical rehabilitation. She continues to work professionally. She dreams of health, family happiness and spending free time together with her family. She loves outdoor activities, Polish music and animals. In the photo she is with her family pet - Astra. She hopes that the rehabilitation she will receive will help her to stay active at work and in sport.

Ewa Bruszewska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 45-year-old woman from Białystok who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 44. As a result of the disease she underwent a mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction and lymphadenectomy. Wife, mother of two school-age children. She loves nature and going for walks. Supports people with oncological diseases, works in an association for women with oncological diseases. She has now returned to work after a long break from treatment. The lack of lymph nodes and the effects of treatment make it difficult to function normally, and returning to a "desk job" intensifies the effect. In order to function without pain and swelling and to enjoy life, rehabilitation is necessary - regular massages of the operated side, the so-called lymphatic drainage. This will be possible thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run.

Grzegorz Kopiniak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 45-year-old man from Wieliczka. He has been moving on prosthetic legs for 10 years. Before the amputation took place, doctors had been looking for the cause of Grzegorz's pain for a long time, which intensified his suffering. The final diagnosis was a genetic disease - autonomic-sensory polyneuropathy. Despite the lack of two lower legs, Grzegorz is very active - driving is not a problem for him, he moves around quite fluently, he takes his family hiking in the mountains. It gives him a lot of joy. With his new prosthesis, he plans to replace his stationary bike with a normal one and continue his mountain expeditions.

Bogusława Marczak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

70-year-old woman from Zielona Góra. After being struck on her left breast, she grew a tumour. Tests showed lobular infiltrating carcinoma. Chemotherapy was administered. It was necessary to amputate the breast. As a result of the mastectomy, her left arm is not fully functional. She needs rehabilitation, which is possible thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run. Bogusława loves growing flowers and vegetables on her allotment and hiking in the mountains. She hopes that after rehabilitation she will be able to return to her passions.

Bogdan Grabiński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 60-year-old man from Częstochowa. He lost his left arm due to an accident at work, his right arm was saved, but it is not fully functional. However, despite difficult experiences, Mr Bogdan tries to look into the future with optimism. He dreams of travelling around Poland. The new prosthesis will enable him to perform everyday tasks, such as driving or shopping, but it will also help him fulfil his dreams of travelling.

Bartosz Truściński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 31-year-old man from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship. His leg was amputated as a result of a traffic accident. Since then his life has been a constant struggle to walk, to walk without pain. It turned out that the amputation was wrongly done and it was necessary to re-amputate and insert an implant. All these difficult experiences made Bartosz feel very bad. However, he hopes that the worst is behind him. His dream is to return to work in the automotive industry - solving problems for his customers. In the future, he would also like to travel. To make all this possible, he needs to be independent in his movements and for this he needs specialist rehabilitation, which is possible thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run.

Marcin Batko

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 39-year-old man from Katowice, who suffered a spinal cord injury and paralysis of the lower limbs in a traffic accident in 2008. Thanks to the sports wheelchair, he will be able to play floorball, which is his great passion. A lightweight and customised wheelchair will increase his chances of competing with the best in the floorball league. He believes that sport is the best form of rehabilitation for him. At the same time, he works as an active rehabilitation instructor, sharing his experience with others.

Rafał Rocki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 46-year-old father, husband, athlete from Elblag. As a result of an accident, he broke his cervical spine and has been in a wheelchair for more than 20 years. As he says, despite many adversities, he has never given up. Sport has been an indispensable part of his life. First it was a form of rehabilitation, and later a passion that allowed him to fulfill his dreams. He was a Polish representative in wheelchair rugby and was successful at international events in this field. Together with his team, he set a Guinness World Record for the length of a wheelchair rugby game by playing continuously for 25 hours! Individually, he was successful in athletics. Until he fulfilled his biggest sports dream - being called up to the Paralympic Games. Currently, his plans revolve around the next Games in Paris, where he will be able to present himself in a wheelchair received thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run. As a volunteer, he helps people who have lost their ability to move freely as a result of an accident or illness. He tries to make the most of life and enjoy moments with his wife and daughter, who are the whole world to him. He believes that he is proof that we only have limitations in our heads.

Agnieszka Dawidziuk

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

An active 75-year-old from near Warsaw who underwent mastectomy surgery in 2020. Due to cancer, she underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Unfortunately, recently the operated side of her hand began to swell, causing pain and problems with household activities. Before her illness, Ms. Agnieszka was a very active senior citizen. She danced, she went walking and hiking, especially Nordic walking - she took part in competitions and promoted this sport among seniors. She also volunteered at a social welfare center and a local food sharing. For her volunteer activities, she was a winner of the nationwide "Colors of Volunteerism" competition. Specialized rehabilitation will help her return to her active life and beloved activities.

Mariusz Juszczak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 26-year-old from Krakow, lost his leg above the knee in an unfortunate accident in July 2021 during a motorcycle championship event in Poland and the European Alpe Adria series in Slovakia. The accident on the track did not look serious, so the remaining motorcyclists continued the race. Unfortunately, one of them did not notice Mariusz lying down and hit him, severely damaging his leg. After the tragic incident, Mariusz fought for his life for several weeks, and the leg had to be amputated. Previously, Mariusz had always been active, loving to spend time in the mountains, water parks and the gym. He won the title of second vice-champion of Poland in motorcycle racing, and trained Krakow motorcyclists in safety and riding techniques. The new advanced prosthesis that Mariusz will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will help him return to his active life, and above all to his passion - motorcycle racing.

Łukasz Dzierkowski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 39-year-old from Poznań, he lost his leg as a result of an accident. His passions are motorization and woodwork. He currently moves around in a wheelchair or on an orthopedic prosthesis, but he finds it very uncomfortable. Therefore, he needs a new prosthesis to enable me to function daily without pain and return to work. He has recently started actively playing basketball in a wheelchair, which gives him a lot of joy.

Violeta Woźniak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 57-year-old from Lodz voivodship, she has always been active and passionate about sports. In winter, she loved to ski on Alpine meadows, and in summer to climb the peaks of the Crown of the Polish Mountains. She couldn't believe it when she heard the diagnosis: malignant breast cancer. Today she is post-mastectomy, taming her new life. The disease has made her realize how much more she would like to achieve. She hopes that rehabilitation will allow her to return to physical activity. She is working on her fitness and self-acceptance. Her dream is to learn to swim and take part in a cruise on the Adriatic Sea.

Jolanta Nicowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 37-year-old from Wloclawek, an independent mother of five-year-old Stas. In 2020 she heard the diagnosis - metastatic breast cancer. Today she is after chemotherapy, radiation therapy and four surgeries, including a double mastectomy. The aftermath of the surgeries is pain and limited range of motion of her right arm.  Therefore, she needs rehabilitation. Her son is the whole world to her and it is for him that she wants to get back on her feet.

Jadwiga Trela

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 56-year-old from Malopolska was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy as a result. As she says - it was thanks to the support of her loved ones that she managed to get through the most difficult moments of the disease. However, she still feels the effects of the disease, so she needs rehabilitation to help her function on a daily basis. She loves handicrafts, which she uses in her work with toddlers, it provides her with a lot of joy and satisfaction. She very much enjoys cooking and baking cakes, with which she treats her entire family. She dreams of traveling.

Zinaida Konachowicz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 70-year-old woman from Podlaskie voivodeship. Before her illness, she was an active person, riding a bicycle, swimming, and organizing rehabilitation holidays for the disabled. In 2020, she was diagnosed with cancer of both breasts. As a result of the disease, she underwent a mastectomy on her left breast and partial surgery on her right breast. She needs comprehensive rehabilitation due to upper limb dysfunction and abnormal posture. Lack of lymph nodes, pain and swelling make it difficult for her to function normally. She believes that with the rehabilitation she will receive thanks to the Poland Business Run runners, she will be able to enjoy life, her children and grandchildren again.

Anna Drobna

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 36-year-old from Sopot, she was born without a left forearm. A graphic designer by profession, after work she loves to do gastrotourism, according to her life motto: eat well and travel often. In addition, she swims, bicycles and snowboards, and in her free time creates hair ornaments from silk. Rehabilitation will positively affect her overall psychomotor fitness and help her function more efficiently in her daily life.

Marcin Sowiński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 43-year-old from Leszno who had his leg amputated in 2019 due to an infection. This event turned his life upside down. Now, in hindsight, he looks at it very differently. He appreciates life and "small successes" more. He remembers the joy and pride he felt when he went for a walk without crutches after the first rehabilitation period he received from the Foundation. He knows he still has a lot of work to do to overcome his limitations and get back to fitness, but he believes that the next rehabilitation he received again thanks to the Poland Business Run runners will help him do that. He is highly motivated to exercise, he says - he will pour out hectoliters of sweat to fight for a better life for himself and his loved ones.

Anna Pieczyńska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 75-year-old woman from the Podlaskie voivodeship was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer in 2019. She underwent mastectomy surgery in 2020. Before the surgery, she was active, cycling, swimming and going for walks. Today she needs rehabilitation to get back to feeling good and being fit. Thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run foundation, this will be possible.

Genowefa Klimasara

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 69-year-old woman from Krakow was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. She underwent a mastectomy. Lack of lymph nodes and the effects of treatment have left her left arm incapacitated, making daily functioning difficult. She also underwent spinal surgery in 2022. Ms. Genowefa loved gardening, caring for flowers and shrubs. Today she is unable to continue her passion, balcony plants have become her alternative. Rehabilitation and massages of her left hand are necessary so that she can get rid of pain, swelling and increase her fitness.

Szymon Więch

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 54-year-old man from the Lubelskie region who has suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes since the age of 15. In January 2021, he had his leg amputated at thigh height. In addition, he has problems with his heart and circulatory system. Rehabilitation with professional gait training will help him to function independently in his social and working life, without the care of others. Mr Szymon’s dream is to return to playing football.

Jakub Szymelfenig

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

Kuba is an 11-year-old boy from Gdańsk with a rare congenital anomaly of the skeletal system - femoral underdevelopment. His left leg is currently 6 cm shorter than the right one. The difference in the length of both legs keeps growing. Kuba underwent a number of operations and is systematically rehabilitated. The boy's parents do everything they can to enable him to function normally. They dream about the fact that their son will be able to function like his peers. Thanks to the orthesis, Kuba is able to lengthen his left leg and stabilize the hip and knee joint throughout the treatment. Despite his illness, Kuba is a great swimmer and plays basketball with passion. He also enjoys riding his bike and scooter.

Monika Obrzut

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 26-year-old from Krakow, Poland, was taken ill with breast cancer two years ago. She underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a mastectomy with the removal of several lymph nodes in her right arm. Professionally, she designs roads and in her spare time she reads fantasy books, takes photos, walks and travels. Funding for rehabilitation will allow her to keep her right hand functional and reduce pain and swelling. And this, will significantly improve her quality of life and help her to continue working. Her dream is to be fully functional, without fear of relapse.

Lena Bernatowicz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 10-year-old girl from Suwałki who has suffered from progressive cerebellar atrophy, epilepsy and delayed psychomotor development since birth. She has an incurable genetic disease. But despite her ailments, she is an extremely active, brave and smiling girl. She loves riding her bike (it is a specialised bike), swimming and building with blocks. Lenka has a lot of rehabilitation and is learning new skills every day. Her dream is to be an independent girl. A new wheelchair, which she will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run, will help her achieve this.

Joanna Keil

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 50-year-old from Bialystok, she is a teacher and happy mother of 28-year-old Jakub. She has many years of experience in higher education and in hospital education working with chronically ill children, both as a teacher, but also as an oligophrenopedagogue and music therapist. She has been active as a volunteer in various foundations supporting children. Therapeutic support and making the dreams of sick children come true filled her daily life before her illness. At the age of 46, after a difficult diagnosis of breast cancer in several centres in Poland, she underwent a bilateral mastectomy. She faced many complications and infections resulting from six consecutive operations. Escaping ovarian cancer, she had to undergo additional reproductive organ surgery. Lack of lymph nodes, lymphoedema of the hand, disorders of the thoracic and abdominal fascia, severe pain in the chest and spine prevented her from returning to work. Her dream is to regain her health and strength to return to her working life, to help her small patients. She believes that thanks to the rehabilitation received from the runners of the Poland Business Run this will be possible. Her passions are singing classical music, playing the piano and cycling.

Monika Kotzian

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 31-year-old from Czechowice-Dziedzice with a congenital lack of forearm. Since childhood, she has been addicted to sporting activities - volleyball, basketball, cycling, rowing, fencing. She is constantly trying out new disciplines. Currently, it is snowboarding that has stolen her heart - she is a competitor of the WSSiRN Katowice club. The rehabilitation she will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will have a positive impact on her general psychomotor fitness and help her pursue her sporting passions. On a daily basis, Monika works at a foundation which takes care of people with cleft spine. She is keen to promote sports activities as the best form of social activation, integration and independence for people with disabilities.

Marta Kwiecińska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

40-year-old from Poznań, married, marathoner, Germanist with many passions. She loves cartoons, sports, nature and trips to the woods, travelling to the closer or further "unknown". She works in an international HR environment on a daily basis. For several years in a row, she took part in the Poland Business Run relay race. This year, she herself became a beneficiary...She has been battling breast cancer with lymph node metastasis since 2021. She uses her inextinguishable optimism by working with several international foundations to support people with breast cancer. The disease has not taken away her positive attitude towards life, but after operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, limitations in the function of her hand have emerged. Thanks to rehabilitation, she hopes to return to her running dreams and run a marathon again in her home town and run in the next Poland Business Run relay.

Agnieszka Laskowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

an active 45-year-old from the Lubuskie Voivodeship who had her leg amputated in 2016 as a result of an embolism. She loves outdoor activity and cycling - before her amputation, she regularly covered many kilometres on her bike. In 2021, she received a prosthesis from us, which enabled her to start a new job. Now, in order to continue her employment and return to her beloved cycling and caring for her garden, she needs rehabilitation. She will receive it thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run.

Adam Gajda

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 57-year-old man from the Lesser Poland voivodeship who has been struggling with diabetes for five years, as a result of which he had his leg amputated at the beginning of 2022. Before the operation, he led an active lifestyle, indulging in many passions, including fishing, mushroom picking and travelling. Currently, he moves around in a wheelchair and is unable to perform the simplest daily tasks. Co-financing a prosthesis will help him regain his fitness and continue his passions.

Marianna Pszczółkowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 64-year-old from Warsaw, she has been retired for four years. Previously an active English teacher in several schools. She was also always very active - she cycled around the city, did aerobics at the pool several times a week, loved walking and skiing in winter. At the age of 59, she found out she had breast cancer. She underwent breast-sparing surgery and the excision of ten lymph nodes, which greatly weakened her right arm. She approached the entire treatment process task-oriented and with a positive attitude. Today, she is in remission from cancer. All that remains is the disability of her right arm caused by the removal of the lymph nodes and the back pain resulting from the asymmetry of her shoulders. She needs rehabilitation to continue her sporting interests and to pursue her passions: gardening, participating in amateur theatre or reading non-fiction. Thanks to the runners, this will be possible.

Izabela Marciniak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 51-year-old woman from Tychy developed breast cancer in 2020. She underwent a radical mastectomy with simultaneous reconstruction and a lymphadenectomy. She is currently on follow-up treatment. The lack of lymph nodes causes periodic pain in her hand and limited range of movement. The rehabilitation she will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will help with these ailments, as well as improving her hand function. In her free time, Izabela enjoys recreational cycling, walking, sightseeing, reading books and cultivating a small home garden.

Ewa Stec

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 53-year-old woman from the Lesser Poland region, whose leg was amputated in 2021 as a result of illness. She currently gets around using a wheelchair or crutches at home, but with the help of a third person. Before the amputation, she used to grow organic vegetables and flowers in her home garden. She enjoyed being active outdoors - walking, cycling or Nordic walking. She dreams of getting back to being active and independent, so that she is not dependent on help from relatives and family. A new prosthesis and a rehabilitation course with gait training will help her realise this dream. Ewa would like to return to independent living, but also to work. She wants to feel needed again.

Mirosława Bielska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 52-year-old from Silesia who underwent an amputation as a result of chronic osteitis of the foot. Previously active and hard-working. Today, she dreams of returning to work and spending pain-free time with her family and grandchildren on walks and outings. The rehabilitation she will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will help her realise this dream.

Joanna Delong

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

48-year-old from Bytom, married, mother of two sons, owner of a beloved dog Baster. In 2016 she heard the diagnosis - advanced metastatic breast cancer. She underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy, a mastectomy including removal of lymph nodes, and received lifelong immunotherapy. Her medical situation does not allow for breast reconstruction, so she wears a special prosthesis on a daily basis. A side effect of the radical treatment is lymphoedema - the difference between the healthy hand and the one on the side of the removed breast can reach up to 5-6 cm in circumference. She needs rehabilitation, massages and lymphatic drainage. She will receive these thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run. Joanna has been working in a special school for over 20 years with children with combined disabilities and autism. Additionally, she is a lecturer at postgraduate studies where she shares her knowledge and experience with teachers. Before her illness, she was active, regularly going to a fitness club for various sports and dance classes. Her dream is to feel fit and pretty again and to be able to wear any clothes, not just ones with wide sleeves. She would also like to learn to dance bachata, kizomba and Cuban salsa.

Mirosław Wojciechowski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 70-year-old man from Olkusz who underwent surgery to amputate his right limb at thigh level in 2021. He currently moves about on a prosthesis with the help of crutches. His dream is to return to normal functioning. He would like to go on trips with his grandchildren again, take walks and discover new nooks and crannies of Poland. The rehabilitation he will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will help him make these dreams come true.

Agnieszka Drabik

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

Energetic and active 34-year-old from Krakow. She works in a corporation. She has been a basketball referee for more than 10 years. Since 2018, she has been refereeing at the central level of the Polish Basketball Association. She loves planning and executing near and far trips on her own for her immediate family - her husband and two children. She runs a traveling fanpage on social media @zarazwracamy. In 2021, she was diagnosed with breast cancer during her second pregnancy. It was a very difficult year for her... Pregnancy, malignant breast cancer, childbirth, preventive surgery to remove the appendages, chemotherapy during the postpartum period combined with steroid therapy, and a bilateral mastectomy. All these events caused emotional swings, disrupted the previous harmony and eventually led to depression. She managed to overcome the disease with the support of her family, the help of a psychologist and the right medication. Today she dreams of being fully fit to return to refereeing matches in PZKosz leagues, and believes that the rehabilitation she received thanks to the Poland Business Run runners will help her realize this dream. Her immediate goal is to pass the referee fitness test known as the beep test (76 stages). Of course, she also plans to travel more with her family. She would like her life after the diagnosis, aside from follow-up visits to clinics, to be not much different from the one before.

Jan Frąckiewicz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 63-year-old man from Lodz who suffers from diabetes, as a result of which he developed abscesses of the foot. He has undergone 3 surgical procedures, however, the deformity of his foot is so severe that he cannot move without the help of an orthosis and crutches. He has had to give up his job, which has caused his financial situation to deteriorate significantly. The funding for the orthosis he received thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will enable him to leave home on his own. He believes that with the customized orthosis, he will also be able to return to work, enjoy life surrounded by his children and grandchildren, and do various jobs on his plot of land.

Kamil Warchoł

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 23-year-old from Trzebinia - 7 years ago he underwent a leg amputation caused by an arteriovenous malformation, which he had been battling since birth. Paradoxically, the procedure helped him finally function normally. At the beginning of 2021, he completely changed his life. He started training, hiking, climbing and cycling. Among other things, he took part in Runmageddon, cycled about 4,000 kilometers in six months, summited Babia Gora and Śnieżka, among others. His dream is to climb the Crown of Polish Mountains. Currently, together with students of the AGH scientific circle in Cracow, he is creating a prosthetic foot designed for climbing, to be made with 3D technology. In order to continue his athletic development, he needs a new individual prosthesis. He will receive it thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run. He himself is also trying to support amputees.

Wojciech Gburek

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 55-year-old man from Ruda Śląska, having had both legs amputated due to frostbite. He currently moves around in an orthopedic wheelchair. Before the amputation, his passions were hiking and visiting interesting places. Now he is largely dependent on his wife. The new wheelchair he will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will give him more freedom to move around and overcome barriers on his own. It will also make it easier for him to spend more active time with his six-year-old son. He dreams of someday being able to take his family to the places he used to visit himself.

Stanisław Lipiński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 62-year-old man from the Torun area who has had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years, his left leg was amputated in 2015 due to diabetic foot. In 2016, he had an ischemic stroke, resulting in hemiparesis on the right side of his body. After rehabilitation, his health began to improve, enough for him to take up carpentry, which became his passion. He began creating garden furniture, flower pots and even rocking chairs for his granddaughters. Unfortunately, in 2021, he lost power in his hands again, making it impossible for him to continue his interests and, above all, to move around independently in a regular wheelchair. The subsidy he received for an electric wheelchair will allow him to function without third-person assistance and, for example, go out for walks with his beloved granddaughters.

Jan Gierszewski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 65-year-old man from the Świętokrzyskie region who had his leg amputated in June 2018 due to a congenital venous hemangioma of the foot. He believes that thanks to this, paradoxically, his life has changed for the better, as he finally does not suffer from permanent foot pain, inflammation and does not have to change dressings several times a day. This has greatly improved his quality of life. His first prosthesis is already heavily worn out, so he needs a new one that is better suited to his current size. He will receive one thanks to the runners. This will allow him to continue working as a history teacher, ride his bicycle, and do various household chores, such as chopping wood for the winter and tending his garden. His dream is to return to swimming.

Jarosław Kwapisz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 30-year-old from Dabrowa Gornicza was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 14. The disease led to the amputation of his leg. His passion has always been sports and has remained so to this day. He loves traveling and cycling. He currently plays for the only floorball team in Poland. He dreams of finally winning a gold medal. Funding for a sports wheelchair will bring him closer to fulfilling this dream.

Piotr Paradziński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 51-year-old from Warsaw who has multiple sclerosis. In recent years, the disease has begun to progress greatly, so he has given up many of his passions like skiing, swimming and hiking. He now gets around the apartment with the help of a walker, but increasingly has to use a wheelchair. He is active all the time - he works remotely as an IT specialist. He leaves the house only with the help of other people. Thanks to the active wheelchair he received funding for, he will be able to leave the house independently. Three years ago his son developed diabetes, which put an additional financial burden on him, so he is very grateful for the support he received. His dream is to be able to go out on his own more and more often, and in the future to be able to hike in the mountains again, if his health allows it.

Aniela Kierzkowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

48-year-old woman from Podlaskie Voivodeship. Married, mother of two boys, active person - likes swimming and cycling. She took part in various running competitions. She couldn't believe when she heard the diagnosis - malignant breast tumour. Today she has had a mastectomy. Because of the amputation of the breast, she has limited mobility in her right hand. She also suffers from pain connected with it. She hopes that the financial support she has received for the rehabilitation camp dedicated to women after mastectomy will help her return to the activity she had before the disease.

Marcin Pilarski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 37-year-old from Swidnica, who broke his spine in an accident in 2012. Since then, he has been moving around in a wheelchair. Before his illness he led an active lifestyle, but now he is unable to leave the house on his own. The electric wheelchair he will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run will help him change that. His goal is to be independent in everyday life and be able to go out for a longer walk, without the help of another person.

Weronika Różycka

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 19-year-old from Mikołów has had her leg amputated as a result of CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) and the foot deformity she acquired. She passed the International Matriculation exam this May and will begin studying medicine in October.  In addition to her academic interests, she is very fond of artistic activities (flat embroidery, scrapbooking). When she was younger she used to swim and ride horses. She had to stop training due to illness, and now dreams of returning to sports. She wants to try her strength in athletics. To fulfill these dreams she needs a sports prosthesis, which she will receive thanks to the runners of the Poland Business Run.

Marcin Idkowiak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

The 37-year-old from Szczecin, who last year underwent an amputation due to an infection of the knee endoprosthesis implanted after cancer removal. His passions have always been fishing and bicycle touring. He has successfully combined these two passions while exploring picturesque corners of Polish rivers and lakes. Thanks to funding for a rehabilitation camp, he will be able to, as he says, "make friends" with his first prosthesis. He dreams of being fit, to go for a walk in the woods or play ball with his two-year-old son. He believes that rehabilitation will allow him to return to work sooner and enable him to function normally in society.

Jerzy Kleszczonek

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2022

A 67-year-old from Sieradz who had his leg amputated due to congestion in 2020. He is a pensioner with a business in accounting and tax consulting services. In the past he was active in athletics, and today he tries to remain active, attending classes at a local fitness club. He currently moves about on a prosthesis. Unfortunately, he had to give up cycling and hiking in the mountains, which he enjoyed very much. He will receive a rehabilitation camp from the runners and hopes to climb some more peaks, if only in the Beskids.


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