
Kacper Hała

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Kacper is an active 20 year old from Wielkopolska, who lost his leg at thigh level as a result of an farming accident. In spite of this, he did not give up and found himself in sport, which is his passion. Currently he is in the Polish team of AMP Football, where he trains football for people after amputation. Additionally, he belongs to the local Amp Football team - Warta Poznań. Through intensive training, he aims to achieve the highest possible physical fitness. With the new prosthetic leg, he wants to take a try at other sports. His dream is to set up his own company, which will enable him to become professionally active and develop personally.

Waldemar Konieczny

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Waldemar is a 30-year-old man, who after 15 years of fighting against venous insufficiency of lower limbs, first one leg was amputated, then the other. His passion is swimming, because he feels free in water. He is also passionate about fishing. He believes that as soon as he stands on both legs, he can also try other sports. Waldek's great dream is to run, and his plan for the near future is to buy a second leg prosthesis. This will allow him to regain his independence and, as a result, have a chance to return to work. To be able to carry out his plans, he needs to subsidize his leg prosthesis. The artificial limb together with a rehabilitation stay will be a comprehensive support for him.

Władysław Paś

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Władysław is a 64-year-old resident of Krakow. In 2017 he underwent leg amputation at thigh level as a result of arteriosclerosis. Thanks to the support of the Poland Business Run Foundation, he received funding for rehabilitation and training in prosthetic walk. Thanks to this support, the senior resident of Krakow can feel safer and better moving with his new leg.

Jerzy Łabęcki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Jerzy has been running a high-altitude company and has been photographing for years. The former high-performer alpinist has a lot of routes in the Alps, Dolomites, Caucasus, Karakoram and Himalayas. In February 2019, he had his left leg amputated at thigh level due to atherosclerosis. Thanks to the generosity of people he managed to buy a prosthesis, on which he is learning to walk. Additional support from the Poland Business Run Foundation allowed him to undergo intensive rehabilitation, which significantly contributed to improving his fitness. Jerzy hopes that he will be able to return to his beloved mountains.

Natalia Grzyb

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

A 15-year-old girl, who despite her young age and disability (tire and spinal hernia, lower limb paresis), since 2017 has been training para-badminton in a wheelchair in the WH category in the People's Pupils' Sports Club "Jedynka" Częstochowa/ABRM Poczesna. She is a talented athlete with many sports successes. Thanks to the Poland Business Run 2020 runners she will receive funding for a specialist sports wheelchair to take part in competitions of the highest rank. Her dream is to join the para-badminton national team.

Faustyna Kotłowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

A 19-year-old girl from the Pomorskie Voivodeship, who lost her leg in a traffic accident in 2016. For three years now, she has been training athletics in the Start Gorzów Wielkopolski club, at the same time attending a technical school of construction specialization. Efficient functioning is very much needed for her to realize her plans and passion, which is sport. Faustina is an athlete specializing in throwing competitions, silver and bronze medallist of the World Championships, bronze medallist of the European Championships. She performs in the F64 classification. She has had European and world records in athletic throwing (disc throw, bullet throw, javelin throw). Last year her sporting achievements allowed her to qualify for the Tokyo Paralympic Games. Due to the very high physical activity, the prostheses wear out much faster, so our goal is to subsidise a new limb that will help Faustina to achieve further sporting success.

Nikola Ferlag

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

11-year-old from Cracow born without a forearm. At the age of 3 she has begun recovery due to emerging bad posture. Currently she is not using prosthesis, she learned to live without it because it was unconfortable and it handicapped daily duties. Since the age of 6 she has begun attending the Krakowski Ośrodek Sportowy / Cracow Sports Center. Despite the lack of an arm she is trying to function normally - she rides a bicycle, swims. Thanks to the runners of Poland Business Run she got endowment for recovery at Centrum Rehabilitacji Znowu w Biegu thanks to which she can work further on her physical activity

Adam Boguszewski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

30-year-old from Zachodniopomorskie district. In 2016 as a result of falling from height he suffered serious injuries of upper and lower limbs and also his spine. He went through healing in a German hospital in Meppen where his left arm was amputated and his legs were put together. The right one recovered its ability but the left one had to be cut off at knee level in 2018. In March 2020 when walking with prosthesis he tripped and broke the stump of his leg which ended with re-amputation. Currently the fear of falling causes his problems with walking, he got back to using crutches. Adam is interested in motorization. Currently he is studying website development at a college. Later on he would like to find work in the profession. His biggest dream is autonomy. Recovery tour on walking with prosthesis would make his movement more efficient and give him greater autonomy.

Konrad Molis

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

44-year-old from Mazowieckie district. In 2015 as a result of a car crash he lost his right leg at thigh level. I try to be active and helpful to others. By profession and calling he is a medical attendant. His passion is rowing. Since 2019 he lives and works at a center for people who need support. He is a coordinator of the medical part of the center and takes care of 20 non self-reliant charges. At the center he also acts as moderator for the Job Club and takes care of the computer room. Currently he moves with a prosthesis but still feels unsteadily without cruthes. Recovery tour on learning to walk with prosthesis will allow him to improve his ability and doing daily duties with more ease.

Mateusz Bugajski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

39-year-old from nearby Koszalin. In 2015 he was diagnosed with bone tumor. Knee endoprothesis didn’t take and as a result in 2020 Mathew went through leg amputation on thigh level. Since then he is trying to get back to ability, Since May he is learning to walk again and operate using temporary prothesis. Unfortunately the epidemy situation prevented him from starting recovery and slowed down his return to ability. Mathew is a big fan of football, he has been a goalkeeper in Koszalin football clubs for a dozen or so years. His second passion is basketball and his dream is getting back to full fitness and doing sport. Recovery tour in Centrum Rehabilitacji Znowu w Biegu with learning to walk with prosthesis (which he did thanks to the PBR runners 2020) enabled improvement of the ability to move. The next step will be regular exercises according to guidance of a phisiotherapist.

Paweł Kunicki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Resident of Pomorze district, for two decades he was involved in historical reconstruction movement. In spare time he was improving his skills of traditional carpentry/ woodwork and woodcarving. In 2017 at the age of 38 he met with an accident – got ran over by a train. Thanks to a quick rescue his life was saved but he lost his left arm and left leg. Despite the accident and amputation his will of fighting adversities has not expired. Since the moment of waking up from post-accidental coma he is planning on getting back to work as well as his hobbies. He is over purchasing an arm and leg prosthesis. Now, he will undergo intense exercise and rehabilitation with learning to walk with prosthesis, subsidized thanks to PBR 2020. Paweł completed the course for a Support Trainer of Poland Business Run Foundation and is ready to support people in similar situation.

Michał Martka

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Vigorous 32-year-old from Lower Silesia. In 2016 he met with a motorbike accident, consequences of which were leg loss, severe head damage, broken arms and pelvis. Thanks to the runners of Wrocław Business Run 2018 Michał managed to buy a desired leg prosthesis. Meanwhile he has been struggling with consecutive health problems, only since not long ago he is moving with a new prosthesis. He needs intensive recovery with learning to walk with a prosthesis which will bring him closer to complete ability. Michał despite the accident still wants to be an active, self-reliant and vigorous person. He is dreaming of starting his own company and exercising sport again. Before the accident he very much liked swimming, playing volleyball, basketball and soccer. He wishes to return to at least part of that activity.

Monika Kukla

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

Active 24-year-old from around Kraków born with underdeveloped thigh bone. Monika is training rowing, cross-country skiing and biathlon as well as athletics. In the near future she would like to study at the Physical Education and Sports Department of AWF Kraków. New prosthesis will allow her to fulfill in sport and to reach mountain tops. She is dreaming of a medal at para-olimpic games.

Elżbieta Kasprzyk

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

54-year-old from Świętokrzyskie district. At the end of 2019 she got into a hospital with a suspicion of diabetic foot complication, undergone 5 surgeries and a severe intoxication. Left leg amputation was necessary. Because of various complications for months she has not been able to function on her own, she spent most of the time lying in bed. Thanks to a huge effort, home rehabilitation and subsequent exercises she managed to return to partial ability. She stands before the biggest challenge which is learning to walk with a prosthesis. It guarantees complete self-reliance and a return to professional activity. I believe that thanks to specialists at Znowu w Biegu centre she will manage to reach that goal.

Damian Jurasik

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

28-year-old inhabitant of Wielkopolska. In 2019 he went through leg amputation resulting from malignant disease which lasted couple of years. He is professionally active, since two years also a happy father. He is dreaming of riding a bicycle and spending time actively with his family. In connection with that his current goal is perfecting motor coordination. Our goal: a recovery tour at the Centrum Rehabilitacji Znowu W Biegu in Cracow + endowment for an element of leg prosthesis (hopper for prosthesis).

Marcin Papaj

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

36-year-old from Śląskie district. In 2019 he went through amputation of the left leg at thigh level which was caused by complications after endoprosthesis-plastic as a result of cancer. For many years he has been and still is professionally active. He works as Product Development Engineer at Rockwell Automation which has been a co-organizer of Katowice edition of Poland Business Run for many years. He is a father of two wonderful daughters Marcelna and Zuzia. His passion is football, motorization and new technologies. Marcin is dreaming of getting back to ability and actively spending time with his family. Thanks to the runners he will receive endowment for an advanced lower limb prosthesis.

Marcin Sowiński

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2020

41-year-old from Leszno. In 2019 as a result of infection his left leg has been amputated above the knee. Until then he was working as an engineer of ventilation instalations, often at heights. Amputation caused him not being able to return to the profession. Currently he is learning to walk again with a prosthesis and hopes that thanks to a subsidized recovery tour he will be able to move without crutches. He would like to get back to active living, to be able to work again, to drive a car, to be hiking again since mountains always were his passion. He is also interested in speedway that is why he would like to climb the stairs of speedway stadium in Leszno again to applaud his favorite team.


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