
Leonard Pac

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Leonard Pac comes from Gdynia. Since childhood, he has dreamt of working at sea, but was prevented from doing so by a railway accident during his military service, in which he lost both legs. Ever ambitious, not long after his amputation he made it a point of honour to learn how to dance, and he achieved his goal. In the 1980s, he took part in Polish championships for the persons with disabilities in such disciplines as swimming and athletics. He is a happy husband and proud father, and now dreams of having grandchildren. Although he has recently retired, he has not given up his job. However, the last few years have not been happy for him - a hip fracture, which required an endoprosthesis, and later a car accident and a fractured lumbar vertebrae have made his life very difficult. However, Leonard is relentless and fights for his fitness and independence. The prostheses subsidised by the Foundation will give him a sense of security and allow him to return to his former activities, including driving, which is particularly important to him. He often uses it to help his blind colleagues at work and members of the War Invalids Association. Apart from that, he likes a good film, solving crossword puzzles, gluing models, travelling and going to the mountains.

Ewa Strzelecka

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Ewa Strzelecka is a 45-year-old originally from Lublin, but has been living in Warsaw since 2011. She started working for the State Fire Service in 2004 as a private firefighter. By successively developing her qualifications, Ewa was able to participate in rescue and fire fighting operations and help others. Work became her passion but her professional plans were jeopardised by cancer as a result of which Ewa had her left leg amputated at the level of the shank. She longs for activity, moving without crutches, walking on the beach, riding a bike or a scooter. Apart from independence, the possibility of free movement and the return to an active lifestyle, the prosthesis will allow Ewa to realise her further professional plans, in which she prioritises the completion of Officer Candidate School. The prosthesis will also enable Ewa to appear in full uniform with prescribed shoes.

Kuba Majchrzycki

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Kuba Majchrzycki is 13 years old. His parents didn't know until the end of the pregnancy that the boy wouldn't have a hand - they found out after the birth. Both for them and for the doctors it was a huge surprise. Despite everything Kuba is doing great. He is a very active sportsman - he likes swimming, he's got his swimming license and he participates in Ampfutbol Poland junior training camps. It was quite a challenge for him to learn how to ride a bike, but thanks to his prosthesis he managed to master it. However, the boy is in the period of fast growth, he should have the prosthesis replaced every year, and as he doesn't have a developed elbow joint, it is unfortunately connected with high costs. Kuba dreams about a hand that he can bend. This dream is completely different from the dreams of his peers. That is why Kuba will receive financial support for the prosthesis. He is interested in cars, especially public transport vehicles.

Stanisław Krulikowski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Stanisław Krulikowski is a 70-year-old man suffering from atherosclerosis, which took his leg away a year ago. In addition, during an attempt to save his leg, his left arm was damaged, in which Stanislaw now has a paresis. He is an active person, as he says, it is difficult for him to sit still for long in one place, he always has something to do. No wonder, because with four grandchildren whom he loves to take care of, it is hard to get bored. Unfortunately, the amputation stopped his activities. He rehabilitates regularly, however, it is a difficult process which requires time. The Foundation will subsidize his rehabilitation with learning gait so that he could return to fitness, independence and care for his beloved grandchildren as soon as possible.

Marysia Więckowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Marysia Więckowska is a 13-year-old girl from Warsaw, who was born without a leg and with undeveloped finger bones in her left hand. Despite that she is very active and energetic, she loves horse riding and cycling. She has a group of friends who support her. Her dream is to compete in horse riding competitions. Given her commitment and determination in overcoming barriers, she is well on her way to successfully achieving her goals. She just needs financial support. The 13-year-old is in a period of intensive development, therefore it is necessary to purchase a new prosthesis adapted to her current needs, so that she can continue to develop her passions and function better in everyday life.

Ewelinka Sypiańska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Ewelinka Sypiańska is a 7-year-old girl who, since birth, has suffered from spastic tetraplegia, bilateral hearing loss and binaural visual impairment. She is unable to walk or sit on her own. He speaks very little. To develop, she needs constant, intensive and specialised rehabilitation. Any lack in this area means a rapid and significant regression, so the girl is rehabilitated daily in motor skills and participates in cognitive therapy. Every day she needs a lot of specialist equipment to overcome difficulties and learn new things. The orthopaedic seat subsidised by the Foundation will allow Ewelina to participate in educational activities, occupational therapy, play, especially in her favourite form of music and dance, as well as dance evenings with her dad. It will give her a chance for further development, against all odds.

Marek Rajter

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Marek Rajter is cheerful, ambitious and resourceful; he builds his own handbike. As a result of undergoing polio as a child, he needs a brace to walk. Despite this, he is very active. He worked as a welder and later in the IT sector in technical support, but unfortunately, due to the pandemic, he lost his job, which took a heavy toll on his financial situation. Marek needs new braces, because his legs get tired quickly in the old, worn-out ones. Even going shopping is now a problem for him, and he dreams of being able to continue showing the world to his daughter during walks, open air painting trips and even the mountain hikes he loved in his youth. He also wants to limit the use of his wheelchair to keep himself fit and in shape for as long as possible.

Jarosław Żarów

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Jarosław Żarów is a cheerful 68-year-old former professional driver from the Podkarpacie region, who in his everyday life impresses with his sense of humour and desire to discover the world. In February 2019, he underwent surgery to amputate his left leg due to atherosclerosis. For a moment, the amputation sounded like a sentence for him, but very quickly he believed that a return to normality was possible. Today, thanks to a new prosthesis, persistence and the support of his family, he overcomes new barriers, inspires and enjoys every day. With his new prosthesis, he is back to normal functioning, taking walks and car rides, discovering new places with his grandchildren. To continue this, he needs rehabilitation.

Paweł Krzak

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Paweł Krzak suffered a spinal fracture in 2001 and since then has been moving in a wheelchair. As he says himself, his "demons" were defeated by sport. In 2008 and 2009 he even became Polish champion in the shot put. Recently, he returned to his studies in psychotherapy at the Jagiellonian University, which he interrupted due to an accident. He dreams of professionally helping people with disabilities in their fight against adversity. To help Paweł achieve this, the Foundation will subsidise him a new wheelchair adapted to his current needs.

Marcin Jurkiewicz

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Marcin Jurkiewicz is a 40-year-old resident of the Lesser Poland Voivodship who lost his leg in an accident. He has a wife, a son (10 years old) and a daughter (6 years old). As the director of the Canpack Okocimski Brzesko Football Academy, he leads a very active lifestyle - he organises trainings, matches, sports camps, many special events and deals with the logistics of these undertakings. Unfortunately, technical problems with his current prosthesis severely limit him. The new one will provide him with better mobility, comfort during business trips and will give him courage to take on new challenges. He will also be able to return to the sports he misses, actively spend time with his family and play football with his son, which Marcin used to train before the accident and his son trains now.

Stanisław Dąbek

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Stanisław Dąbek is a senior citizen from Tarnobrzeg who lost his right leg at the level of the shin in February 2021 due to a blood clot. Due to the amputation, he had to stop his professional work in his own company, as it required driving, efficient movement and often climbing to heights. The disease has also put a stop to his hobby of organic fruit and vegetable growing, from which he distributes large surpluses to the needy, as well as his work for the Housing Estate Council and the Housing Association. He is also unable to look after his beloved grandchildren: 2.5-year-old Teoś and 9-month-old Anna. He believes that all this will be possible again with the prosthesis, and he is very motivated to make it happen. But before that, he needs a rehabilitation camp to prepare him for the prosthesis, which will be co-financed by the Foundation.

Agnieszka Laskowska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Agnieszka Laskowska is an active 45-year-old who had her leg amputated at shin level in 2016 as a result of a clot. She loves outdoor exercise and cycling - before her amputation she regularly covered many kilometres on it. She has recently started working but, unfortunately, her current prosthesis causes her numerous abrasions and great pain when she uses it. Agnieszka is dreaming of a new, better-fitting prosthesis, thanks to which she will be able to work without pain and return to her beloved cycling. The funding from the Poland Business Run Foundation will help her to achieve this goal.

Przemysław Grochalski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Przemysław Grochalski was born with congenital defects, including bone fusions in his arms and legs, which involved numerous surgeries. Despite this, he fell in love with wheelchair basketball already as a teenager. Thanks to his good results in league matches, in 2005 he was noticed and called up to the Polish Junior National Team. He currently plays for the Poznań-based second-league team IKS 2017 Poznań, which came first in its group this year. Przemek has been playing on the same wheelchair for 15 years. After such a long time the equipment unfortunately started to fail, including at the least expected moments such as competitions. By training on a new, failure-free basketball wheelchair, which will be subsidised by the runners of the Poland Business Run, he will be able to develop further in basketball and set an example to his younger, less experienced teammates.

Ewa Iwachów

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

In 1999, as a result of a traffic accident, Ewa Iwachów had to have her legs amputated. Since then she has been moving in a wheelchair, because she cannot use prostheses due to the high amputation. She is a happy wife and mother of a 4-year-old son. She fulfils herself as a teacher in a school day-care centre, studies and learns English to improve her competences. She dreams of participating as fully as possible in her child's life on a daily basis. She would like to travel with her family and friends around the country and the world. Thanks to the wheelchair subsidised by the Foundation, these dreams will be able to come true.

Krystian Giera

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Krystian Giera broke his spine in a traffic accident in 2007 and has been in a wheelchair ever since. After several years of rehabilitation, he started training hand cycling. Hard work and sacrifices resulted in a bronze medal at the 2017 world championships in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, and silver at the world championships in Maniago, Italy, a year later in the individual time trial. Now he dreams of medals from the next championships and the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. To be able to develop further and focus on training, he needs to be able to function freely and efficiently in everyday life. Such comfort will be provided by a new wheelchair which will be subsidised by the runners of the Poland Business Run.

Karolina Kapała

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Karolina Kapała has suffered from congenital joint stiffness since birth. Despite this she has always been an active person. Both professionally and in her private life she fulfils her dreams and goals. She is interested in make-up and wants to develop further in this direction. She also plans to start using the gym to improve her physical shape. She dreams of helping people with disabilities and being an example for them, showing them that despite adversities it is possible to live, function, love and fulfil one's dreams. In order for this to happen, Karolina needs a new wheelchair that will increase her independence, enable her to move around more freely and return to her job that was lost due to the pandemic. She loves animals and helps them whenever she can. Four years ago she adopted a dog without a single eye, who is now her life companion. Her motto is 'We only have one life and you have to use it 120%!'

Adam Boguszewski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Adam Boguszewski is a 31-year-old man from the area around Gorzów Wielkopolski, in whom a fall from 40 metres 4 years ago caused multiple organ injuries, including serious damage to his limbs and spine. After the accident his left arm was amputated and his legs were put together. He spent 10 months in a German hospital before he could return to Poland. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2018 his left leg had to be amputated and in March 2020 the stump at thigh level had to be re-amputated. The procedure and later the pandemic made it difficult for him to look for work, but he is happy to help his friends with IT issues. Besides, he is interested in cars. He dreams of independence and self-reliance, which a rehabilitation holiday will help him achieve.

Marysia Hańderek

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Marysia Handerek is a 2-year-old from Warsaw who was born in March 2019 with trisomy 21 chromosome, or Down syndrome, causing her reduced muscle tone. From the very beginning she was rehabilitated by specialists and daily at home by her parents. The two-year-old recently started crawling. Another goal is to learn to walk, so all the rehabilitation is focused on strengthening her limp body so that in some time she will be able to take her first steps. Marysia's parents dream that in the future she will be a strong, athletic girl and will be able to climb mountain peaks with her parents.

Adrian Jankowski

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Adrian Jankowski is a cheerful and well-liked 16-year-old, living in Konin, who was born without legs up to his knees and without two fingers in his left hand and one in his right hand. He goes to high school and his passion is wheelchair basketball. He is a Polish representative in U22 wheelchair basketball. He plays for the Mustang Konin team which won the Polish Championship this year. He trains regularly, goes to training camps and tournaments all over Poland. He dreams of participating in the World Championships and playing in the best teams. However, for this to come true, Adrian needs a new wheelchair, which will allow him to develop further.

Renata Bernardy

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Renata Bernardy is a 51-year-old woman from Nowy Sącz (Małopolskie Voivodeship), who was diagnosed with tibial cancer at the age of 21. Leg amputation saved her life. Thanks to the prosthesis obtained by her parents from Sweden, Renata finished her studies, worked as an accountant and then in the Social Insurance Institution, got married and became a mother. Unfortunately, a tragedy struck the family. Her husband died and Renata was left alone with two school-age children, a house to build, and a loan to repay. In the meantime, the prosthesis had to be replaced, but the new one was ill-fitting, which made it uncomfortable, painful and dangerous to use. Therefore, Renata will receive funding for the prosthesis component and a rehabilitation holiday with gait training.

Maciej Stoltmann

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Maciej Stoltmann is a 19-year-old from Człuchów (Pomeranian Voivodeship), who lost his leg in an accident last year. After leaving hospital he gained energy for life, "everything started to make sense", as he says. His biggest dream was to become a black belt in karate. The accident thwarted these plans, but Maciej does not lose hope. He also dreams of returning to full fitness as soon as possible, running and cycling again. A subsidised rehabilitation camp with learning to walk on a prosthesis will help him function more efficiently in everyday life and, in time, develop his sports passions and gain his dream black belt.

Mariusz Gemza

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Mariusz Gemza is a 29-year-old man from Złotów (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship) who suffered quadriplegia in an accident in 2012. In the first months he was completely dependent on third parties. He dreamt of independence and with time he achieved it. Three years after the accident, sport became his passion and he is currently involved in triathlon. In July, he plans to enter his first competition on his own. However, to be able to develop his sporting passions, he needs a new active wheelchair. Thanks to this equipment not only participation in competitions will be possible and safe, and trainings more intensive and effective, but also everyday moving will be easier for Mariusz. On a daily basis, Mariusz, as an office worker, supports other people with disabilities in a rehabilitation centre in Złotów.

Agnieszka Stanisławska

Beneficiary of Poland Business Run 2021

Agnieszka Stanislawska is a 49-year-old from Pabianice who, at the age of 12, had her right leg amputated at thigh level as a result of a traffic accident. She learned to live and function with a prosthesis, to be independent and self-reliant. In her free time she reads books, enjoys good films and evening walks. She tries, as much as she can, to help the elderly and those less resourceful in life. Before the accident, she loved all physical activities - gymnastics, cycling, basketball. She dreams about a trip to the Alps. However, in order to fulfil her dream she needs rehabilitation as well as a new, more technologically advanced prosthesis.


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