The second round of the Help More action is behind us, and the competition is ahead of us


Hello Runners,

We are entering August, the last full month of preparations for the Poland Business Run 2021!

Help More

First of all, we would like to congratulate the winners of another edition of the " I help more" campaign in July. Thanks to you we managed to collect additional PLN 16 726 which we will pass on to help our beneficiaries!

The Helping Leaders in July were the teams:

1. KIRognie from KIR S.A

2. Leach & RUN from Leach and Lang Property Consultants

3. DPD Polska drużyna nr3 from DPD

4. KIRwalking from KIR S.A

5. The Beauties & the Beers from HCL Poland

6. Business RAntea from Antea Polska



9. Kemira Slow Motion from Kemira

10. Sii Rzeszów Running Team Niezdecydowani from Sii Rzeszów

Congratulations and we will soon give them their Yellow Leader T-shirts! And we would like to remind everyone that the campaign continues until the day of the Run, i.e. 5 September. This means that every team still has a chance to stand on the podium of our charity rivalry.

Make the most of the summer season

Speaking of rivalry, we would also like to remind you of the opportunity to take part in a competition. Maybe you will be the lucky winner of Hoka Clifton 8 running shoes, thanks to which you will beat your last year's record!? :)

How does it work? Take a photo during the preparations for the Poland Business Run 2021, freely interpreting the slogan: Time to fly! Then post it on Instagram, tagging the photo @polandbusinessrun. In the description add: #timetofly #hokaoneone #dietific #polandbusinessrun2021 and wait to hear about your win! Check out the details and regulations.

The photo can be taken after listening to running inspiration from our SMAK BIEGANIA podcasts which you can find on Spotify, Google and Apple Podcast or after reading the mini e-book How to prepare for a run “behind the scenes”? created especially for you by Dietific.

Have fun!

Stay warm!

Poland Business Run Foundation Team


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