Summary of the year at the Poland Business Run Foundation – new records and initiatives


The Poland Business Run Foundation ended 2024 with success, setting new records – the number of beneficiaries, participants in the charity run, completed projects and the scale of assistance provided. Thanks to the 13th edition of the largest business relay in Poland – Poland Business Run, which took place in Krakow and virtually around the world, it was possible to support 150 more people in need by co-financing their prostheses, wheelchairs and rehabilitation. More details can be found in the Foundation's Annual Report 2024.

This year's charity run, which has been organized since 2012 for people with mobility disabilities, amputees and mastectomy patients, attracted as many as 41,600 participants from Poland and 21 countries, as well as 600 children competing in PBR Kids. At the same time, the Foundation noted a record number of partners and sponsors, as well as organizations that registered their 5-person teams for the sports competition. In total, 1,700 companies and corporations and 60 partners got involved in activities for the beneficiaries.

Despite the growing number of amputations performed in Poland, there is still too little talk about the challenges faced by people after losing their limbs. That is why this year the Poland Business Run Foundation, together with the "Znowu w Biegu" Rehabilitation Center initiated the Amputation Awareness Month for the first time in Poland. The idea of ​​Orange April is to familiarize with the topic, raise awareness, educate, integrate and activate.

To help small beneficiaries

Thanks to the support of runners, sponsors and partners, in 2024 it was possible to provide rehabilitation, prostheses and rehabilitation and sports equipment for 150 beneficiaries, including seven children with mobility disabilities and after amputation. The process of returning to everyday life after an illness or accident, the consequence of which is, for example, amputation of a limb, requires appropriate rehabilitation, support from specialists and the purchase of specialist medical equipment. The Poland Business Run Foundation helps to take care of all these issues.

Among the small beneficiaries is, among others, 5-year-old Olek, who was diagnosed with bone cancer and had to have his leg amputated. Now he has received his first prosthesis and can play like his peers. The co-financing for the rehabilitation stay was used by 10-year-old Maja, who was born without a right leg and with an abnormally developed hip, which is why she moves with a prosthesis and in a wheelchair. Thanks to rehabilitation, she has become physically fit, can go to school and go on her dream vacation. 12-year-old Jakub suffers from hereditary spastic paraplegia. His dream is to play wheelchair basketball and get into the youth team. He is getting closer to this goal thanks to the funding he received to buy a sports wheelchair. More profiles of the beneficiaries can be found at

Live, act and work responsibly

The Foundation also developed educational projects and projects related to corporate social responsibility. In March, the 2nd edition of the CSR Poland conference took place, which gathered 240 participants and ended with the presentation of the CSR Poland Awards. Out of 200 submitted applications, 12 companies and 3 Leaders were distinguished, who implemented interesting social initiatives, employee programs or charity projects. In 2025, the next edition of this event will take place - the organizers invite you to participate in the competition, conference and workshops. Registration at

During the conference, the creation of a new initiative Be Closer was also announced, the mission of which is to support companies in building socially responsible projects. CSR specialists with many years of experience help organizations engage in activities for the benefit of society, including through the implementation of educational panels and webinars, employee volunteering or closed events, such as a charity run for a company from the medical industry.

The Foundation was repeatedly recognized in 2024 – during the Biegowe 360° conference, it received the Special Award for CSR activities in sports and business on a large scale, while Agnieszka Pleti, the president of the Foundation, was awarded the title of "Polka XXI wieku" in the "Social activity" category. The “Znowu w Biegu” Rehabilitation Center founded in 2018 by the Poland Business Run Foundation, won the Lodołamacz 2024 statuette in the "Institution" category.

Looking to the future

As for the new features, the Foundation has announced the premiere of a new application facilitating virtual running in 2025 – as part of the Poland Business Run relay and beyond.

– We plan to launch our new application in the spring of 2025! It is more than just a tool for adding results – it is a platform that will enable building healthy sports habits, competing and helping through various activities, not just running. We want sports to connect people with a charitable idea and be accessible to everyone, regardless of place and time – says Kamil Bąbel, Project Manager Poland Business Run.

More about the Foundation's activities and the Annual Report 2024 can be found at


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