Vocational Training Centre for People with Disabilities project completed thanks to a grant from the State Street Foundation


We have completed a three-year project under the project "Vocational Training Centre for People with Disabilities" funded by a grant from the State Street Foundation. During this time we have managed to implement a multitude of activities that have had a real impact on improving the situation of OzN in the labour market. Below are some of them.

Vocational activation

One of the main pillars of the project was vocational activation. Thanks to courses, workshops and consultations with a vocational counsellor, participants improved their qualifications in their learned profession or trained in a completely new field. A total of 33 training courses were delivered during the 3 editions. A total of 29 people benefited from the professional activation programme. Participants appreciated the opportunities provided by their participation in the project - as many as 92.9% of them said that their participation increased their professional qualifications.

Support Trainers

A Support Trainer is a person after an amputation or with a mobility disability who has already returned to independence after an accident or illness, has completed a series of training courses and is ready to share their experience and knowledge with other people in a similar situation. As part of the project, we have trained and prepared 14 new Support Trainers to help amputees return to activity, including motivating them to take up employment.

– Supporting people in need of help is my passion. I always knew I wanted to help, but since becoming a ST I also know HOW to do it. Every year there are more and more people who need my help – says one of the Support Trainers.

Aktywizuj.pl platform

As part of the project, the website aktywizuj.pl was created, which is a knowledge base for people with disabilities and after amputation, looking for information about subsidies, rehabilitation, necessary documents and procedures in public institutions. The portal also assists in returning to the labour market - you can find up-to-date information on available subsidies for the employment of people with disabilities, as well as legal issues. In addition, the website contains job offers, information on vocational courses, trainings, adaptation trips or projects. We invite you to visit the platform – go here.

Sports camps and integration

We organised 6 sports camps for people with physical disabilities - 3 summer and 3 winter camps. During these meetings, beneficiaries, among other things, learnt to snowboard, conquered Polish mountains and improved their skills in using their prosthesis. As many as 63 persons with motor disabilities participated in the trips.

– Thank you for the opportunity to participate in Winter Mountain Camp. What will stay in my memory is the amazing atmosphere I was able to experience while hiking together, which was created by the professional and caring guides, their expertise, approach and commitment were of the highest level. I met many valuable and inspiring people during the camp. (...) It is extremely important what you do in terms of tourism for people with disabilities – emphasises Bożena, a participant in the winter camp..

In addition to the sports camps, our Foundation's Beneficiary Days were organised as an opportunity to integrate people with disabilities. Over the course of 3 years, 3 meetings were held - both in a stationary and online format! There was no shortage of interesting meetings with specialists, new relations and friendships. Participants enjoyed yoga classes, training sessions with physiotherapists, as well as consultations with a psychologist.


The funding enabled 46 people with mobility disabilities to undergo rehabilitation stays. With the help of specialists, the beneficiaries learned to function with a prosthesis, benefited from physiotherapy treatments and psychological support. Individual consultations with a vocational counsellor were also carried out during some of the stays. This is invaluable support in returning to the labour market.


We organised 12 meetings with State Street employees in Krakow and Gdansk, where we introduced the topic of disability. Through these trainings, employees had the opportunity to learn about inclusive language and good practices in contact with people with disabilities.

Project summary

Thanks to 3 years of cooperation, the set goals have been achieved:

  • - providing comprehensive assistance to people after amputations in both health and social aspects,
  • - the creation of an internet platform, which is a knowledge base on recovery after amputation,
  • - working with corporations to raise awareness of the employment of OzN,
  • - promoting a culture of accessibility and inclusivity.

Many thanks to the State Street Foundation for their trust and cooperation, which has translated into tangible support for people with disabilities in the labour market.

Company Without Barriers

We invite all those interested in the topic of vocational activation of people with disabilities and the levelling of social barriers to contact us.

In our offer within the framework of the Company Without Barriers project we have:

  • - training on employment procedures for people with disabilities,
  • - training in communication and inclusive language,
  • - architectural accessibility audits of buildings,
  • - website audits.

Detailed information can be found on the website: www.dostepnosc24.pl


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