Runner, choose your size!


How many times have you trained in a too tight T-shirt or too loose trousers? Probably everyone who has experienced such a situation will confirm that an improperly chosen outfit can effectively distract from the goal, disturb concentration and make our results far from those dreamed of.

It does not matter whether we are talking about the results of a single training session, a specific competition or a simple jog in the forest. Each activity is important for the person exercising, and the comfort of movement makes the movement more precise but also more pleasant.

Size does matter

The sizes of clothing offered by different manufacturers may vary, so it is best to try on the chosen cut in person. However, the latest surveys show the growing popularity of shopping via the Internet. The choice is bigger, the prices more attractive and the delivery often takes about 24 hours. With all these upsides, it is worth remembering that when using this type of solution, it is important to check exactly what parameters are behind the particular size you are ordering.

The situation is exactly the same with ordering running T-shirts for the Poland Business Run. As a team, we will make sure that the shirts are made of the right material and have identification on them so that on the day of the run we are one big running family. All we ask of you, dear runners, is to focus for a moment and choose the right t-shirt size. We assume that most of you have a favourite running shirt in your wardrobe, in which you feel extremely comfortable.

Measure up

Here's how to choose the right size for you based on it:

1. Lay out your favourite t-shirt flat on the floor.

2. become a tailor for 5 minutes and measure the garment you took out of your wardrobe. Remember: measure according to the instructions.

3. compare your measurements with the ones shown below.

It's not over yet

Already know the perfect t-shirt size for you? But what next? It's simple! If you are the person who registered the team, please collect information from your teammates and fill in their details along with the correct jersey sizes in the registration form. If you are a team member, please write to the submitter and remind them to complete these details! Please do this, by 31 May this year.


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