Program and traffic organization on the day of the Run


Poland Business Run 2022 will be held on September 4. The route of the run will be led in the vicinity of Krakow's Błonia Park..

Route of the Run

The start, finish and change zone is located on the pedestrian zone of al. Focha 40 at the height of the Cracovia Centennial Hall in the direction of al. Mickiewicza.

The route runs along Blonia with a right turn into ul. Oleandry, left into ul. Ingarden leading to Jordan Park. From the park, along the pedestrian walkway, it crosses the road and turns right again along Błonia.

Map of the Run:

Highlights of the run

  • - 1st round - starting numbers from 1 to 1000
  • - start at 10:00
  • - captains’ briefing - 9:30 - 9:40
  • - warm-up - 9:40 - 9:50

The warm-up will be led by personal trainer, runner and Poland Business Run ambassador Adrianna Palka.

  • - 2nd round - starting numbers from 1001
  • - start at 13:30
  • - captains’ briefing - 13:00 - 13:10
  • - warm-up -13:10 - 13:20

The warm-up will be conducted by personal trainer Katarzyna Samborska.

Rules of the Run

  • - Each team has to run 5 identical laps of the course.
  • - Each competitor is required to start in a Poland Business Run T-shirt received in the starting package.
  • - Each runner from the team shall run one lap of 4 km.
  • - Changes in the relay shall be made only in the designated change zone, which is located at the start/finish line.
  • - It is not allowed for one athlete to complete more than one lap or start in more than one team.
  • - The starting order of athletes in a team shall correspond to the order declared in the Application Form as of 01/09/2022 at 23:59:59.

Running town

In the running town, the organizers and their partners provided numerous attractions.

End of the event at approximately 16:30.

Change in traffic organization and disruptions

On the day of the Run (04/09/2022) from 00:00 - 16:30, a temporary traffic organization will be introduced. Below are the most important changes:

I Motor vehicle traffic disruptions

Al. 3-go Maja (section al. Focha - ul. Reymana), ul. Oleandry and ul. Ingardena closed to vehicular traffic.

In the case of al. 3-go Maja, cars will be directed to detours:

- Vehicles over 3.5t GVW: al. Mickiewicza – ul. Reymonta – ul. Piastowska.

- Vehicles under 3.5t GVW: al. Focha – ul. Królowej Jadwigi – ul. Piastowska.

A one-way corridor will be introduced on ul. Oleandry for vehicles leaving properties, parking lots and Kadrówka Street.

Starting at 00:00, stopping along al. 3-go Maja, ul. Ingarden and ul. Oleandry is prohibited (also in designated places)

II Difficulties for pedestrian traffic

A pedestrian corridor will be left along the run route on the pedestrian promenade around Błonie.

Crossing the running route only at traffic control points, only with the permission of the organizer's services, the Police or the Municipal Police.

III Traffic difficulties for cyclists

Road for bicycles along al. Focha, al. 3-go Maja, ul. Piastowska and ul. Na Błoniach closed.

IV Changes in the course of city transport

From 9.30 a.m. to 16:30 a section of the tram line from the Jagiellonian University stop to Cichy Kącik will be closed.

Disruptions before the run on 3/09/2022

There will be no changes in traffic organisation on the day before the Run. However, a running town will be set up on Błonia at the level of the Cracovia Centennial Hall. Please be careful for pedestrians and cyclists moving on the green area and along the promenade along Focha Avenue. Deliveries and construction of technical infrastructure will be carried out at the event site.

We apologise for any inconvenience and hope for your understanding. In this way, together we can help more people with motor disabilities and after mastectomy.

Thank you!


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