4 days left - Check what you need to know!


Cheerio Runners!

There are only a few days left to run, so we have some organizational information for you.

Remember that on September 6th you can run alone or with colleagues from the company - one at a time or at the same time - as you like! Remember that the Run must be completed by 6 p.m (CEST) and the result should be available to us by 7 p.m (CEST).

You can already download a special Poland Business Run application from the App Store or Google Play to your mobile device. On Sunday, you will see there a button allowing you to add your result.

To share the result you will only need:

  • 1) your e-mail address (provided during registration for the run),
  • 2) screenshot from a GPS-tracking sports app showing the time you obtained at a distance of 4 km.

Remember that instead of a running application, you can use a smartwatch that measures route and time. In this case, instead of a screenshot from your application, share a picture of the watch with the result. When running on a treadmill, at the end of a distance of 4 km, you should take a picture of the screen showing the time and the distance covered.

Live streaming

We hope that you will join us on 6 September on our Facebook profile. During the streaming run for us by CMA, you will meet our beneficiaries, ambassadors, company representatives and invited guests. We will comment on the results on an ongoing basis, conduct a warm-up and decide on competitions. The streaming will be conducted by Maciej Kurzajewski.

Live stream agenda:

  • 11:00 a.m Official start and warm-up with Ada Palka and Mateusz Janicki
  • 11:55 a.m Resolution of the "Help More" action + conversation with the beneficiary and ambassadors
  • 1:30 p.m A few words about motivation, contest result + interview with invited guests
  • 3:30 p.m A few words about how to deal with injuries + interview with invited guests
  • 5:30 p.m A few words about how we created this year's run + conversation with the beneficiaries
  • 7:30 p.m Day recap + preliminary run results
  • Help More

Remember that you can still involve your colleagues and friends to help. There are currently over 44 thousand zlotys on the account of the "Help More" campaign, and you can still help!

Remember that the last changes of runners in the teams can be made by midnight September 4th.

Best of luck!

Poland Business Run Foundation Team


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