Poland Business Run app + how to enter your result


Dear Runners, you can already find and install Poland Business Run app from App Store or Google Play on your mobile device. In it you will find countdown to the day of the run, most important information on the relay and on the 6th September also a button enabling you to add your result. 

Remember that sharing your result will be available not until the starting day of Poland Business Run. The form used for uploading your time after completing the run is really simple. To add your result on the 6th of September right all you have to do is:

  1. Start the appliction Poland Business Run on your mobile .
  2. Press the button “Add result” that will show up at the very top of the page .
  3. In the first point of the form add a graphics file that is the screen from the running app with GPS function or a photo of your watch.
  4. In the second point put your e-mail adress (given during registration for Poland Business Run 2020).
  5. Enter the time obtained on 4 km distance in the form of 00:00:00 (hours, minutes, seconds) .
  6. Press the button “Save”.

Easy, isn’t it? Remember that the result obtained can be shared only once. 

Times put in will then be verified on the basis of screens set. When all the participants of a given team finish their run and share their results then the time result of the whole team will be published in the general rating.


Postulated route (4 km) should be completed between the hours of 00:00-18:00 of central european time (CEST).

Every competitor is obliged to enter his/ her result till 19:00 of central european time (CEST) on 6.09.2020 (Sunday) at the latest.

We wish you both fruitful trainings and start!


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