Get ready for the Poland Business Run. Two months left.


Hello Runners,

The beginning of July is the best time to share with you our summer plans and opportunities to meet running and our Foundation during the holidays. There are only 60 days left to Run!

Help More

The first round of the Help More campaign ended yesterday. The first winners will soon receive their Yellow Leader T-Shirts.

Do you want your team to win them in the next stage? We encourage you to compete!


Together with HOKA ONE ONE company we invite you for running trainings in Krakow.

The first of them will take place on 10.07. at the Centennial Hall of KS Cracovia, 40 Focha Street.

Training will be led by Kazimierz Piechnik, personal trainer. After the training we invite you to a delicious breakfast from DietiFit.

Important - there is a limit of 150 people at the event.

All details can be found on Facebook Event.

For all those who cannot attend in person, we will be recording videos with the most valuable advice from our trainers.


We will soon tell you more about the competitions we are preparing for you.

There will be attractive prizes to win.

Take care of your comfort

Remember that as a runner of the Poland Business Run 2021 you can count on a special discount for the purchase of incredibly comfortable running shoes.

All you need to do is use the dedicated discount code: TimetoflyinPBR2021

Keep your team integrated

All these suggestions can help you and your team members to integrate and prepare for the Run together. Remember that you can also take care of your outfits together; Poland Business Run t-shirts and socks from Many Mornings will help you stand out on the day of the run!

Stay healthy,

Team of Poland Business Run Foundation


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