Don't miss this chance! Run and help



It is said that you learn from your mistakes.

So tell me, who has failed to register their team on time and later had to explain themselves to disappointed members of their team and look longingly on the day of the Run at athletes all over Poland who proudly show their big hearts during our beloved Poland Business Run relay run?

Do not make this mistake (once again ;) ) and make good use of your last chance to register for the Run.


It is only today until the end of the day when you can sign up your 5-person teams for the Poland Business Run 2021.

We look forward to seeing you, join 21.000 runners who will prove on 5 September that they have made good use of the opportunity to help.

End of registration: 31 May, godz. 23:59:59

Join us!


Team of Poland Business Run Foundation


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