

Foundation “Znowu w Biegu” Rehabilitation Centre

The "Znowu w Biegu" Rehabilitation Centre gathers specialists experienced in working with amputees and is fully adapted to the needs of people with locomotor disabilities. The team consists of qualified and experienced personnel who provide assistance to our beneficiaries and train other doctors and rehabilitators in working with amputees. The Center is equipped with necessary rehabilitation equipment, ultrasound apparatus and computers with special software. All this to enable our specialists to use their knowledge in 100% and thanks to it help people.

At the Rehabilitation Center, our beneficiaries will not only receive the necessary physical assistance, but also psychological support that will allow them to activate professionally and socially, so that they can return to an independent life in a world without barriers.

Patients can receive assistance from an orthopedist, diabetologist, nutritionist, psychologist and psychotraumatologist. Comprehensive rehabilitation is also possible. We also plan to establish a team in the analysis and research department, to collect data and test solutions from the areas of orthopedic care and supplies. We are confident that the Rehabilitation Center will get even more people back on their feet!

The Rehabilitation Center is located in Kraków, 13 Odrzańska Street.

For more information, please visit:

The Centrum Inicjatyw Sportowych Foundation

The Centrum Inicjatyw Sportowych Foundation has its headquarters in the Centennial Hall of KS Cracovia 1906, at 40 Focha Street in Krakow.

The main aim of the foundation is to activate people with disabilities in sports, to help them fulfill their sporting dreams and to create sections within which people with disabilities can develop their skills.

More information on the website: portal is a knowledge base for people with disabilities and amputees who are looking for the most important information about subsidies, rehabilitation, necessary documents and procedures in public institutions. It is also a comprehensive tool that guides people with disabilities step by step through all the issues related to their return to the labour market. In the portal you can find up-to-date information about available grants for employment of the disabled, as well as legal issues concerning the employee and the employer, disability pensions and more. Additionally there are job offers dedicated to the needs of people with disabilities, information about vocational courses, trainings, adaptation trips or projects addressed to people with disabilities.

Companies and organizations interested in posting a job ad for a person with disability or preparing interesting projects for this group can contact the site editors at: [email protected].

The portal was created with funds provided by the State Street Foundation.

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