We know the Poland Business Run 2024 medal!


Every year, the medal for participation in the Poland Business Run was carefully designed. This year's edition has multiple meanings and shows the multidimensionality of our charity business relay race. What exactly does it mean?

Some people see a runner on the medal with an outstretched hand, ready to help pass the baton. Others saw the sun there as a symbol of joy, freedom, and the ability to run anywhere.

Regardless of how everyone interprets it, one thing is certain - the PBR 2024 medal is a distinction for perseverance, goodness, and determination, symbolized by the heart. By running with us, you can help people with physical disabilities, amputees, and mastectomies!

If you want to join the group of this year's runners and receive a medal for the 13th edition of PBR, please register your team at bieg.pbr.pl/en.


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