The Help More campaign is starting!


Every year, our run is accompanied by the Help More campaign. Anyone can take part in it and, through the selected team, donate funds to help people with physical disabilities, after amputees and mastectomies. This is an additional competition between teams and companies, and contributions place the participants in a specific position in the ranking. Prizes are waiting for helping leaders!

Is your team taking part in the race? You can win not only by running, but also by helping, and at the same time win Yellow Leader T-shirts! The 5 teams that collect the most funds in each of the 3 campaign finals will receive the title of Helping Leaders and Yellow Leader T-shirts.

How to help more?

  1. Enter the TEAM RANKING.
  2. Find the team you want to support (you can support one team or more, the goal is more important than the competition). All funds collected in the campaign will be used to support subsequent beneficiaries of the Poland Business Run Foundation.
  3. Click on the "Deposit Form" button. The funds will appear on the team's account automatically after posting.
  4. Check the ranking of teams and companies. Support, cheer, share! You can copy the link to a specific team's fundraiser and promote it among your friends and family!

The 5 teams with the highest amount of funds collected for the day will be awarded:

  • June 30, at 23:59:59
  • July 31, at 23:59:59
  • September 8, at 11:59:59

Companies that help more

The funds collected from the teams of a given organization are added up and place the company in the ranking. The 5 companies whose teams collect the most funds in the last final will receive special awards.

Charity gains position

If you register a team for the Poland Business Run 2024 with the Virtual Charity or Real Charity package, 500 PLN from the entry fee will be credited to the team's account in the Help More competition.

Rules of the campaign

The partner of the Help More campaign is BLIK - a fast, safe and convenient payment method.

Help always

Remember that you can help our beneficiaries all year round by making a donation or making a BLIK call to the Foundation's phone number: 519 815 815.

For details: Make a Donation.


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