Join the 36,000 participants of PBR 2023!


Another record has been set this year. We have over 36,000 participants registered for the 12th edition of the Poland Business Run. As many as 9,000 people will run in Kraków in the traditional run around Błonia. The remaining participants will compete virtually anywhere in the world. You can still join them as part of the virtual eco package.

In order to meet the needs of some of our runners, we have created the Virtual ECO package - where you only receive your starting pack, i.e. number and medal, virtually, and on 3 September you run with the app along a route of your choice. It's an option for those who don't care about a physically produced start package, want to be environmentally friendly but still help by running with us!

Unconstrained by the need to pack and deliver run packs before the start date, we have decided to run the Virtual ECO package registration until 31 August, a gateway for those who missed the official run registration.

If you'd like to join the biggest charity business relay, get a team of 5 people together and register here, choosing the Virtual ECO package. There is time until 31 August.

We will be starting together on 3 September!


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