Who's first at the checkout?


Hello Runners,

From today, men's shoes Hoka One One Clifton 8 in a wonderful colour Fiesta / Blazing Orange are available in the Runner's Shop.

As participants of the Poland Business Run 2021, you can buy them for the excellent price of PLN 499!

What is more, every purchased pair of shoes helps!

How does it work?

  1. You go to Sklep Biegacza (online www.sklepbiegacza.pl or stationary in Krakow or Warsaw).
  2. You enter the code, thanks to which you get a 20% discount on the purchase of shoes (the final price is PLN 499).
  3. HOKA ONE ONE donates PLN 150 from the purchase of each pair of shoes to our Foundation.
  4. You get great shoes and the satisfaction that your purchase has supported the Foundation's activities!

Where is the catch?

The promo code is only valid for the first 100 pairs purchased.

Hurry up! Be the first at the checkout.

Promo Code: TimetoflyinPBR2021

Happy hunting!

Poland Business Run Team

PS Dear female Runners, don't worry.

Soon a similar code for women's shoes will come into your hands!


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