My adventure with Poland Business Run


I like there is a day when … business people leave their desk and run for those who can`t….

Martyna Grzanka – Technical Lead, HCL Poland:

On the 3.8 km long route there are plenty of emotions, rivalry, joy, cooperation and help. This relay can be compared to what we do every day at work, because the most important thing in our work is teamwork. We create team results together, we work towards common goals together we are happy together when our team is successful and we are sad together when it is not. Just like on a business run –  someone is waiting to pick up the baton, in the office you are always sure that someone will be waiting to deal with more difficult cases, which you can no longer solve for the customer.

This was not like that last year, we should work from home and also the business run was organized online. It was not the same atmosphere, I hope that will be nearly like before on the city, with all teams on the main square.

I run with “business run” from 2014, I had my first medal with this run in Cracow. After this running is entry in my weekly calendar. In habits I run 4 time a week 10 km, sometime I run more, it depends the situation.

I run in the city if I have to, which is during the week, but when I go for a weekend to my beloved Jura – I enjoy nature, the forest and the beautiful rocks.

Mariusz Szymula – Infra/Shift Lead:

I've been running for a few years now.... and it's a very important part of my life. Many times I meet people who, for various reasons are excluded from such an opportunity and joy; not only running but practicing any sport even on a limited scale.
I could only stop at compassion or worse, ignorance. However, I know that there are organizations such as the Poland Business Run Foundation, which helps not only that someone can run, "jump" play football, etc., but can live normally!
If I can help realizing my passion, I help and encourage others to do so. For me, this will be the 4th edition of the Poland Business Run, I still believe that we will meet at the Cracow market and every year there will be more and more of us - to run, compete and above all, help those who need it.

Dorota Skrzynecka – Infra/Track Lead:

Running is for me a moment of respite, relaxation and pleasure. Eight years ago, a friend told me about a foundation that organizes the run and also helps people after amputation. It was my first participation in Business Run. The atmosphere was so amazing that since then, this event has found a special place on my calendar. The possibility of running combined with great fun and the possibility of helping is a mixture that cannot be ignored. I run because I like it, I help because I like.... And I encourage others to do so ?

Fundacja Poland Business Run


Sponsor Strategiczny


Partner Logistyczny

Partnerzy Medialni


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